Family and Friends Forum

Human Rights

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Member since
November 2019

501 posts

I feel like I have lost my human rights in this mess I find myself in. We are the ignored victims in this situation. What are you doing Lucy Faithful to help us? I have for barely enough energy to keep myself going and facing the world let alone campaign and face more negative opinions. I looked at the Equality and Human Rights Commission website, see below:

“How do human rights help you?

Human rights are relevant to all of us, not just those who face repression or mistreatment.

They protect you in many areas of your day-to-day life, including

-your right to have and express your own opinion

-your right to an education

-your right to a private and family life

-your right not to be mistreated or wrongly punished by the state “

Aren’t we in need of protection here
Has anyone been in touch with the commission? Is it worth me writing to them. There must be thousands of people in our position, at the mercy of the system.

Posted Tue February 4, 2020 11:00amReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

I'm sorry you are feeling do lost and upset. Its disappointing if people are treating you badly. Sometimes I wish I could just tell everyone what happened, make them see that although my partner is on the sex offenders register hes not a bad person. People find it easier to see others as monsters as that makes them feel safer, otherwise they would need to accept this can happen to anyone. If you come from a law abiding, normal life background it's very hard to face judgement for a crime you had nothing to do with. I think we are not alone in this isolation, other crimes like terrorism, rape and murder do the same to family members and close friends. I know you feel like your human rights have been effected but the state has not punished you, its other people, gossip, judgement, your own feelings on the matter. I think in time people will see that not all people who commit sexual offences are monsters, I think society is starting to see that there is a problem with porn and online behaviour. My husband would have known, should have known the conversation he had was wrong and illegal, I dont think he set out to do it, he isn't a bad person. I hate being punished for his crime but I accept he needed punishing and help, which luckily for him he got both. Life can move on from this, it feels like it cant but it can. And I think its gradually bring talked about more and not right now but in time.

Posted Tue February 4, 2020 11:42amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Thanks Maria. Generally people are being kind to me. They have their views. It's the fact that innocent or guilty, the accused are assumed guilty just because of the nature of the 'crime'. Understandable. But, where vigilantes have been been involved life is completely destroyed. No job, living apart, leading to severe financial worries, complete lack of privacy, and the inability to properly communicate. He's getting professional help, he has solicitor and therapist. He is wel away from everything. I am the one taking most of the strain.
sorry feeling very sorry for myself. I'm keeping a smile on my face to friends and family and pretending I'm dealing with it all ok. As they are fed up of hearing it. They don't want my worries and stress in addition to their own. I am also trying to support family and close friends through their own problems, bereavement, terminal illness, old age's so tough. Although I have people around me I feel so alone, scared and sad.

Posted Tue February 4, 2020 12:25pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Hi Tabs

I totally agree with you! This time waiting is unbearable. We are 20 months waiting and I know there are some on here who are longer.
I think the live-streaming needs to be stopped ASAP.

It would be interesting to know who we could complain to? Maybe a Human Right's lawyer? The only thing is my partner's solicitor has strongly advised against complaining to the police.

Let us know if you find out anymore information about this.

sending you best wishes in this daily struggle

Mabelx x x

Posted Tue February 4, 2020 12:43pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Thanks Lee. I am told by husband and husband's solicitors not to contact police at all, very firmly told not to. Not sure why that is? Is it because they may look unfavourably towards the case? Sp I'm scared to do that. Is it some myth?
doesnt seem right that the police can keep us waiting so long with no challenge. They should adopt the practice put forward by the law society. I think that it is with parliament. This RUI without time limits is so cruel. I'm sure this whole situation will have a bad impact on our physical and mental health going forward, and no one in authority seems to care. We have no one speaking up for us that I know of. X

Posted Tue February 4, 2020 3:06pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

38 posts

Hi tabs , I am so sorry my lovely , I am in the same boat as you , 3 weeks ago tomorrow my knock came , I only found this out after the vigilantes live stream video was played accross all the local Facebook sites and that was it out there in the vigilantes words "my husband the pedophile has been caught " in 24 hours the arse fell out of my life, my kids were spat on on the school bus, as all their friends had seen the video and shared by most likely their parents , the whole town knew , even my ex who lives 150 miles away had seen it thanks to the powers of Facebook,

me and my kids his in shame and embarrassment, thinking we should have known, people formed their opinions straight away , I have gone through every emotion possible and invented a few new ones , chatting to Lee1969 has been my lifeline off this site , and I would love to chat to you too, to know you are not alone , on mums ey I am carr0tcak3power, or lee1969?has other ways we can chat , please reach out as I am sure I need you as much as you need someone xx

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 9:23pmReport post

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