Family and Friends Forum

Im struggling

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Member since
August 2019

21 posts

I'm struggling again, court is upcoming and I'm really scared, I feel our relationship is in tatters I want him to leave I think, spent 19 good years with him yet now its heart breaking don't know if i want to go to court with him or not as worried what people will think of me am not as strong as I used to be I've struggled since the knock in may of last year with emotions feel like there's nothing to fight for any more yet I'm just so soft and worry about where he'll live as all his family and friends live down south and worry that I won't manage financially with my 2 elder kids aged 17 and 19 we had to sell our house as he had to quit his job we have moved into rented accommodation I'm on a rubbish paid job but I'm still on probation period for as I only started job in November and have had quite a bit of time off due to my health my mum having a stroke at the start of the year she's now had surgery and is okay so worried about how ill manage with him I feel the only reason I'm still with him is for financial reasons he started a new job doing a nightshift and I just don't want him to be here oh so sorry for myself and don't know who to turn to I've called gp to make an appointment with the mental health nurse but that is 3 days after court is the first appointment which I've taken I'm all over the place easily distracted emotions running all over the place, I know everyone on hear is going through the same some have come out the other side just looking for any kind words or point me in some direction of help x

Posted Wed February 5, 2020 11:57amReport post

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