Family and Friends Forum

Feeling stuck and confused

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Member since
January 2020

8 posts

Posted Wed February 5, 2020 8:54pmReport post

It's been almost 2 months since the initial knock. My husband is accused of talking to a 13year old boy, sending sexual images to him (it was am undercover operstive) and arranging to meet. He addimently denies all the charges and as it was linked to his work IP address he says it could of been anyone. However I feel like as well as the unknown of what will happen I'm also constantly doubting his claims of truth. He's aloud to stay in the home despite us having young children and as he's the bread winner and I'm a stay at home mum, finaicially it makes it easier however I'm getting more and more confused as everyday passes as I just don't know what to.believe. I'm starting to think I want to separate as I just don't feel strong enough to handle it all and I'm terrified he's.lying to my face everyday.. I feel like if he is innocent this is going to pull us apart anyway and if he's guilty at least if I've already left I'll be a bit protected. But I've no idea where to go, my family live far away and wouldn't have the space for me and 2 children. My son is in reception and he loves his school. I feel I've nowhere to turn and I'm starting to struggle mentally and physically with it all and feel it could be months until it's resolved..uh. I hate it all.


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Thu February 6, 2020 11:36amReport post

Hi fairytree 123

What you're feeling is really normal, you go from one emotion to another then back again.

Have you anyone you can confide in who'll listen and be non-judgemental?

Have your seen your GP, mine was a life saver for me and had really helped to nurse me through this horrible time. Have you thought about counselling?

Try the helpline as it'll really help you, try and he l get as much support as you can

Thinking about you xx