Family and Friends Forum

Contact with the police

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Member since
September 2019

100 posts


I am struggling to get in touch with the officer who is my point of contact for my husbands case. I've sent 2 texts and made about 3 phone calls to him over the last few weeks. Left a voicemail on the last phone call asking that he rings me back. Something in our personal life has changed and I feel that it is of such significance that they need to know but no one is getting back to me.

Anyone know where I can go from here?

Thanks in advance

Posted Fri February 7, 2020 10:17amReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts


Can I suggest that you get in touch with his line manager... Usually a Sergeant or Inspector. You can obtain these details by calling reception and asking who manages the sex offender department at the particular police station he is based at.

They should supply either a number, email address or u can ask for a call back to discuss your concerns.

Best wishes


Posted Fri February 7, 2020 1:00pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

100 posts

Thanks all for the advice I'll try again Monday.


Posted Sun February 9, 2020 8:24amReport post


Member since
September 2019

100 posts

"Sorry we've got a big backlog and there's nothing we can do"

So no use what do ever to me. How can they just keep us in limbo like this is beyond me x

Posted Tue February 11, 2020 8:23amReport post


Member since
February 2020

14 posts

To everyone on here,make a formal complaint to the police re the length of time it is taking to examine the devices.Your human right to a speedy dispatch of the process is being infringed under Section 6 of the act.Refer to pp 23,34,43 and 75.The last page states basically that the court will not accept the excuse that they do not have the resources to act in a timely manner.

Posted Tue February 11, 2020 1:47pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

100 posts

It's beyond torture.

Posted Fri February 14, 2020 2:46pmReport post

Quick exit