Family and Friends Forum

Back on the roller-coaster

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Member since
May 2019

61 posts

Posted Fri February 7, 2020 4:12pmReport post

Hi everyone,

Haven't posted on here for awhile, trying to just live in my own little bubble. However that bubble has been popped today as husband has received letter from the solicitors to go in for 2nd interview, and so the emotional roller-coaster starts again.

Really don't know what to expect from this but just want him to be honest with himself and the police so we can try and work out how to move forward.

Does anyone know the process off the 2nd interview??

Thank you



Member since
December 2018

39 posts

Posted Fri February 7, 2020 6:24pmReport post

Hi Mada

My hubby had 2nd interview in November, a year after the knock. Not heard anything since. He was advised to say no comment again, although pleading guilty in court. He is following solicitors advice, continues to see his therapist every week and basically we are just plodding along until the next stage. My bubble popped just like yours just before the 2nd interview, I called it DDay, but here we are 2 months later and nothing’s happened, I think the next stage is one he has a court date to meet with the solicitor, pre sentence stuff. Until then we just try to live our new normal, what ever the day throws at us.


Member since
May 2019

61 posts

Posted Fri February 7, 2020 7:55pmReport post

Hi E,

Thank you for your reply, I just hate the fact that you hear nothing and then boom it all explodes again and those feelings that you have tried to repress come back to the surface again.

I hate the fact that my life now feels like a ticking time bomb...