Family and Friends Forum

1 week to go

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Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Well only a week to go and its sentencing day!!

Not sure I can go in to the court room with the hubby yet. It's not like I'll find out anything new i have read all the correspondence from the police so i know what he is being charged with. Just absolutely s**ting myself that it will be in the papers and that he will loose his job. If we didnt work together it would bother me so much him losing his job but because we do work together I'm not sure how I will handle going back to work as I am currently off sick with stress.

Some days I just want to break things and scream. He is such an idiot and this was a one time thing and he has had the help he needs and I understand why did what he did. Sometimes i think i am too understanding. Think I am the idiot for staying and still loving him. I have been with him 17 years and we have had an awesome life together until now.


Anyway can anyone give me insight into the sentencing at court please


Posted Fri February 7, 2020 10:50pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

I'm a new user here. Going to court in 2 weeks after 2 and a half years of my husband being under investigation. It's been awful. Luckily we don't have young children but I'm terrified that he'll no longer be able to be in the hose overnight when our grandchildren are here. And terrified it will be in the media. I've told no one except our GP. Husband still home and I'm probably closer than ever to leaving him.

I don't know how anyone survives this. I'm at my lowest right now.

Posted Sun February 9, 2020 10:05pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Hi Ann P

ahh I can't believe you have been waiting for 2 and a half years! That is awful!

Do you mind if I ask what your husband was charged with? My partner was caught by a vigilante group in a town a long way from where we live.

We live in Essex and have been waiting for 20 months now, he is released under investigation.

Did you have some notification of the different stages up until it went to court?

I too am terrified of the press, that is my biggest fear as well.
Wishing you all the very best

Mabel x x x

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 12:23pmReport post

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