Forum Agreement

Our family and friends forum is a space for users to provide support for each other. The following rules are intended to ensure that the forum stays safe, friendly and respectful.

Please be aware that Lucy Faithfull Foundation [LFF] cannot screen users of the forum. It is therefore a public, online space. In order to help you feel safe and anonymous, please be extremely careful about what information you post about yourself or others. In addition, we strongly discourage you from posting any usernames that you use on other forums. Such information could be misused by others with abusive or harmful intentions. 

Likewise, LFF cannot take responsibility for how people outside LFF use the information on the forum. For example, journalists or researchers may read the threads for their own purposes.

It is therefore really important that you do not post any content that could potentially reveal your identity or that of anyone else. Please keep in mind that several pieces of seemingly innocuous information, across different posts, might help someone to identify you, especially if they already know you. Thank you.

Rules of use

1.Before you are able to contribute to the forum, you are required to register using your email address. To register you will need to supply an email address, but you do not have to supply your real name. You will need to choose a screen name that will be visible to other users of the site. 

2.We welcome an exchange of opinions. However, please ensure that your messages are respectful of other users' views, experiences and opinions, regardless of whether or not you agree with them. Name calling, foul and abusive language will not be tolerated. This includes the use of offensive nicknames. Do not use the forum to harass, threaten or attack anyone. 

3.If you are concerned about a message someone else has left, click on the ‘report now’ button and an alert will be sent to the moderator who may edit or remove the message. The decision on whether to edit and/or remove a post rests with LFF. 

4.You must make sure that any message (or part of it) you post in the discussion boards does not or is not: 

(a) rude, disrespectful or insulting, either to site users or anyone merely looking at the site; 
(b) likely to provoke, incite or attack others or contain words or language intended to offend other users; 
(c) racist, sexist, homophobic, ageist or otherwise discriminatory in nature; 
(d) defamatory, harassing, abusive, obscene, threatening, harmful, profane, sexually orientated or otherwise objectionable; 
(e) unlawful or encourages unlawful activity, whether criminal or civil; 
(f) advertises and promotes commercial products and services; 
(g) copied from a third party without their permission, or is otherwise likely to infringe the rights of a third party; 
(h) contain personal contact details – email addresses, phone numbers, addresses or identifies you, any children or anyone else; 
(i) encourage action that may harm the wellbeing of others. 


5. We do not allow or condone the promotion of research or surveys that has not been formally approved by Lucy Faithfull Foundation. For any requests please get in touch via email

6. Any user who does not adhere to this agreement may be prevented from having access to the forum.

7. A note about moderation: moderators are responsible for ensuring the content of forum users' messages accords with the aims and values of the forum. Moderators can, at any time, delete messages (or part of a message), move messages to a more appropriate topic heading, and refer messages to an adviser for legal and/or practical help. Moderators will try to be active in removing any unsuitable material, for the benefit of all forum users. However, we cannot be held responsible for any delay in doing so. A moderator will check any external links posted on the boards; any links that moderators are unable to verify or which we consider are inappropriate and/or unhelpful will be taken down. All posts will be moderated by LFF within one working day of being posted. 

8. When you register to post on the forum you are required to provide us with your email address, therefore providing us with a degree of personal information. Please be aware that LFF may release personal information of members to the relevant authorities where we reasonably believe that a member has used the forum to commit unlawful acts or shared details of an identifiable offence which does not appear to be known to the authorities, where required to do so by law, or where LFF deems it appropriate. As an example, this could involve a forum user posting about their loved ones online offending and asking for advice but also disclosing that it has not been reported to the police. We know how distressing this is for the people involved, so please bear this in mind when posting on the forum.

9. A direct messaging function is now available which will allow forum users to communicate with other users should both parties wish to engage in messaging. The function will enable forum users to make connections with each other to enhance their experience of the forum and the support they receive.

10. Direct messaging is provided for the convenience of registered forum users, although any inappropriate use of this which contravenes section 4 of the forum agreement, including publishing of any private message/s on the open forum without both parties’ consent, is not allowed and may prevent users from having access to the forum. 

11. Please take extra care should you choose to use direct messaging to share personal contact details, or arrange to meet up with someone. Any such contact is at your own risk, and Lucy Faithfull Foundation cannot accept liability for any consequences. 


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