How to use Direct Messaging

Dear Forum Users
The Family and Friends Forum launched its direct messaging function on Friday 14th April 2023. This feature provides you with an alternative way of seeking and providing support. We would encourage you to continue to also post on the main forum to interact with others. This is essential in creating and maintaining forum traffic, and a vital way of supporting new users and those who find comfort and support in reading forum posts without registering. If you are interested in using the direct messaging feature, we hope you will find this guide a helpful place to start.

This service is only available to registered users who are no longer under moderation. A user is no longer under moderation when their new posts automatically appear on the forum. If you have been taken off moderation, you will see an additional button attached to your account, named ‘Messages’, at the top of your screen as per the image below.


If you click on this, you will be taken to your private messages page. Direct Messaging is an optional feature for registered users on the forum. If you do not wish to engage with this, you can disable the function by clicking on ‘Disable private messages’. This is not a permanent choice, and you can turn this feature on and off as you wish.

  • How do I send a direct message?

If you would like to send a message to another registered user on the forum, then you will need to search for their username using the ‘New message’ button on your private messages page. You will then be asked to enter the username for the person you wish to direct message. Please bear in mind that not all users may wish to use direct messaging and may have disabled the service.

Once you have found the user you are looking for, and they are open to messages, you can start messaging them by clicking on their username and then typing directly into the text box that should follow. To send the message press the ‘send’ button.


  • How do I know if I have received a direct message?

New messages will appear on your direct messages page. A red dot will appear next to the ‘Messages’ button whenever you receive a new message. To open the message, click on the envelope symbol. Please note that we do not send push notifications, so messages will not be visible until you log into your account.


  • How do I delete a conversation?

If you wish to delete a conversation, simply click on the ‘Delete conversation’ button at the bottom of your message thread. Please bear in mind this will delete your whole thread with that user and you will no longer have access to those messages.


  • How do I block another user?

If you wish to block another user, then click on the ‘Block user’ button at the bottom of your message thread. You will receive a notification on your screen that you have blocked that person. You will no longer be able to send or receive messages from that person. To unblock them, simply clock on ‘Unblock user’.


  • How do I report a message?

If you wish to report a message, then please select this option at the bottom of your message thread. This will take you to a new reporting page where you will be asked to explain why you are reporting the message/s, as well as providing a screenshot of the message. A screenshot is really helpful for those moderating as we do not have direct access to your private messages. Once you have completed the required fields, click on the submit button. Forum moderators will be notified of your report and take appropriate action.

For anyone who is unsure of how to screenshot, please see these helpful links:

If you have any questions about the direct messaging function or need further support, please email our inbox at 

The Forum Team


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