How to use the forum

This is a public forum - anyone can view posts, but only members can write new posts or reply.

How to get started

Many people who get in touch with us don't know where to start - sometimes the first words are the hardest to write.

We suggest you start where it makes sense to you. You might have a question for other users of the forum, you might want to say a little about why you are here or what you would like to receive from other members. You might want to express your feelings about what you are going through or you might just want to read the posts already here and take comfort from knowing you're not alone. Whatever you decide, we hope you find the forum helpful.


Navigating the categories

On the front page there are some categories where similar posts are grouped - to make it easier for people to find the information they are looking for. 



You will need to be registered and logged in to write a new post or post a reply. To register, you need to provide your email address - and to create a username and password. Your email address will not be visible to other users, but your username will be - so please choose one that doesn't identify you as this is a public forum. 



The website is checked once a day by moderators (excluding weekends and bank holidays) to ensure posts comply with the forum agreement. If necessary, the moderator may edit or delete posts. 

New users' posts are automatically placed under moderation before they appear on the forum. This means that when they post for the first time, their post will not show on the forum until it has been checked by a moderator. Existing users' posts can also be placed under moderation if they break the forum agreement

All users are able to edit and delete their own posts. 


Writing a post or reply

Click the ‘new post’ button in the category you think your post or topic sits in best. If you are unsure where to post, you can use the ‘Discussion & Support’ category.




People will be able to reply to your post, and hopefully offer support, share their stories or feelings, and offer sources of extra help. Similarly, you will be able to reply to other peoples posts, by pressing the ‘post reply’ button. 




Occasionally, the moderator will move posts to a new category - or make them inactive so you will no longer be able to post a reply.


Searching the forum

You can browse our forum categories to help find the information you are looking for by the search feature at the top of the page. 
