Family and Friends Forum

Register to post

Please read the information below before registering and posting.

  • This is an open forum so anyone can read your posts – please ensure your username and posts do not contain information that could identify you.
  • You must be aged 18 or over to register and post on this forum.
  • If you post about an offence that the authorities are unaware of, and we are able to identify you from the content of your posts or your email address, we will need to consider passing on this information to the authorities.
  • Please be aware that new users’ first posts will not appear on the forum until they have been moderated. But once a new user has been approved by the moderators, all their following posts will appear straight away. This helps us ensure that the forum is a safe and supportive environment for everyone.
  • Please read the forum agreement before registering.
  • Unfortunately, our forum is not suitable for family members or friends of those who have engaged in inappropriate offline sexual behaviours. If you are in this situation and would like some support, please call our confidential helpline on 0808 1000 900, or visit our website. Alternatively, StopSO have a forum for family members of those who have engaged in inappropriate offline behaviour.

This is how you will be known on the forum. Do not use your real name or a username from another forum. May contain letters, numbers and spaces. Please ensure usernames are appropriate and not likely to cause offence to other users of the forum.

Other users will not be able to see your email address. However, moderators can access your email address. For this reason, please do not provide details of offences or offending that are unknown to the authorities, as we would have to pass this information and your email address to the police. We need your email address to complete registration and, in line with our privacy policy, will not forward it on to anyone else.

For security purposes, your password must be at least 10 characters long and include letters and numbers.

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