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Panic attacks

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Member since
January 2020

25 posts

Hi everyone, does anyone else suffer panic attacks?? I'd never had them before all of this! I can be doing housework and wham I'm in a freefall and it honestly feels like I am going to die, it scares me alot. Anyone got any tips to help?? I do breathing techniques etc but only helps for a few minutes xx my hubby is currently living at a bedsit and still going to work, he comes round for a couple of meals a week, as arranged with ss. I wish it didn't have to be like this, but all I can think about is what will happen if it goes court, I don't want him associated with this address because of kids xx feeling extremely stressed and anxious xx

Posted Thu March 12, 2020 3:08pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Hi Owl

I recognise this and suffered myself, I could just be walking along and suddenly my heart would race and I feel as if I couldn't breathe. Its horrible and comes out of nowhere. I tried to really focus on breathing techniques, slow breaths in for count of 4 and slow breaths out for count of 4. It sounds silly, but I also did this using the words calm on the in breath and relax on the out breath. It did help a bit, and when I read about panic attacks all the advice related to breathing, it's almost impossible to continue a panic attack if you breathe slowly.

Sending hugs, keep strong x

Posted Thu March 12, 2020 3:22pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

I also found Kalms herbal tablets seemed to help too

Posted Thu March 12, 2020 3:24pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

31 posts

Hi Owl, I used to have them, I actually talked to my go and got on medication. I'd always been hesitant about that sort of thing, but it really helped. We find ourselves in extreme circumstances which are completely out of our control. I found the meds made me feel better able to cope with that freefall feeling amongst other things. You may need to try a couple to find one that suits, I'm not sure how I would have gotten through those first months without.

Posted Thu March 12, 2020 5:37pmReport post

Mum of 3

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December 2019

57 posts

I ended up visiting my GP after suffering the same. He's prescribed me some anxiety medication and it's honestly helped sooo much. I wouldn't have got through th3se past few months without it. I also listen to meditation music before bed and it really helps clear my mind to get a half decent sleep.

Posted Thu March 12, 2020 5:51pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

50 posts

Hiya try and consentrate on ur breathing stop whatever u are doing and breathe ! Keep ur breaths slow and deep and controlled , by doing this u slow down the Adrenalin being released into ur system which in turn will slow ur heart rate ! I suffer panic attacks too but doing this does help xxx

Posted Thu March 12, 2020 11:15pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

25 posts

Wow thankyou everyone for your great advice and help, I shall definitely be trying all of these and I think if it worsens I will visit gp too xx I've downloaded that app headspace so thanku for that xx I am trying to keep myself busy so my brain dosent have time to think, as I'm scared I'll completely breakdown xx but inevitably my body is telling me that's not working xx thanku all ever so much xxx I'd be completely lost without this forum xx

Posted Fri March 13, 2020 12:36amReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

The panic is hard to deal with xx Day time is bearable for me usually, but I can’t control my mind at night. Some good advice here though. Sending you hugs owl. X

Lost 123, I find I’m waking through the night with panic attacks. I try to do a meditation before bed and usually end up doing another one around 4am which helps s bit. I’m worried that this is affecting my baby. I know from your other posts that you are pregnant too. How are you, are you managing to eat and drink ok? X

Posted Fri March 13, 2020 8:53amReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Lost123, that sounds horrendous, I’m so sorry. Are you still able to have a homebirth as planned? It feels like we are just seen as collateral damage. Xx

Posted Fri March 13, 2020 6:54pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

25 posts

Hi lost 123 and marie d, sending you both virtual hugs, its an utter nightmare as you both say. I so wish things were different xx

Posted Wed March 18, 2020 12:53pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

25 posts

Hi lost 123,

Thanku for asking I'm taking each day as it comes and I'm noticing before a panic attack starts, so I ficus on breathing exercises and grounding xx I have times where I absolutely hate my hubby for this whole situation and then I still love him, crazy right! He shows utter remorse and is showing positive signs, although I'm still extremely cautious about everything, I find night times the worse when I'm on my own with kids and try to sleep. I won't have him live here till I know what police are going to do. Its horrible how we have to live through the hell aswell as them, we didn't do anything wrong! Xx I just pray there is light at end of tunnel xx hope you are managing ok lost 123 xxx

Posted Sat March 21, 2020 12:53amReport post


Member since
January 2020

25 posts

Thankyou lost 123,

I'm trying my best to think as positive as I can, but as you know yourself that is extremely difficult xx I think I would be lost without this forum, I feel I can openly chat with others like yourself without judgement which is something I dare not do in real life xx

With the added worry of this coronavirus upon us my stress levels are through the roof as I'm in the at risk category and isolating at home with kids x I literally find myself praying every night asking not to die as I need to look after kids as I don't know what will happen with their dad etc further down line when police finally decide what they going to do! I'm so scared, I barely sleep and I wasnt sleeping before this either xxx I hope for a positive outcome but I expect the worst xxx big hugs to you lost 123 xxx

Posted Tue March 24, 2020 12:20amReport post


Member since
January 2020

25 posts

Hi lost 123,

Bless your heart I honestly don't know how you are keeping it together being pregnant too. Think that shows your made of tough stuff xx think our kids are giving us the strength to keep it together just about xx been trying to keep myself busy out in garden with kids whilst its nice on an afternoon after their morning of schoolwork, tbh its been truly lovely, but it still has me worried if a neighbour's look at me, I'm wondering do they know?? Or will police come knocking again or social services, I feel utterly traumatised by the whole thing! Xx hope you and family stay well through this extra troubled time xx

Posted Fri March 27, 2020 12:18amReport post


Member since
January 2020

25 posts

I am also scared of whats ahead lost123, but I know as do you, that it really is a day by day thing surviving till the next day xx big hugs xx

Posted Sun March 29, 2020 12:43amReport post

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