Family and Friends Forum

Sentenced today

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Member since
January 2019

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Posted Tue May 18, 2021 4:11pmReport post

My gorgeous son was sentenced today to 3 and half years x I can see no way out of this big black hole .


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Tue May 18, 2021 4:50pmReport post

Hi Scrappy

Im so sorry to hear about your son. You must be devastated and not know if you're coming or going at the moment.I have little words for you except to say take it hour by hour for now. I promise you things will settle down with time. I won't lie and say the next few weeks will be easy but after the initial shock wears of for you and your son things will become easier. You still won't like it but a new normal will emerge which you will deal with easier. Your son will get into a routine in there and settle down. Please don't think twice to email me on mumsnet (same name) if you need support. Look after yourself and I'll speak to you soon x


Member since
August 2020

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Posted Tue May 18, 2021 5:47pmReport post

So sorry you got this outcome.
I know you were dreading it.

can you not meet up with nicenanna you need to be around people who are in the same situation.

this is way too heavy for someone to deal with.

again no support for families.
The families are the real victims in all of this.

sending love.


Member since
May 2021

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Posted Tue May 18, 2021 6:34pmReport post

Sending you lots of love


Member since
January 2020

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Posted Tue May 18, 2021 11:08pmReport post

I'm so so sorry to hear this Scrappy. My partner was sent to prison... it was such a shock. I know how you must feel, it's so devastating. Things do get easier for everyone. We are all here for you. X


Member since
January 2019

66 posts

Posted Wed May 19, 2021 4:35amReport post

Thanks Blue x I was so tired I went to bed at 9pm

but boom I'm wide awake now at 4 am x I hate the quietness of the house x


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January 2020

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Posted Wed May 19, 2021 9:05amReport post

Hi scrappy!

how you doing? Have you managed to speak to your son yet? I know exactly how you feel about the quietness. Although my partner went to live with his mum after the knock, we spent a lot of time there. It felt like we were all in grief, I couldn't bring myself to go into his room and neither could his mum. She found it so hard him not being there. We are half way through now and things have settled down, and you do adjust. My partner is coping ok in prison, they are kept separate to general population, so they are safe. We have to keep remembering this is only temporary. If you need any advice on prison etc I'm here help.

sending hugs x


Member since
January 2019

66 posts

Posted Wed May 19, 2021 10:27amReport post

Hi Blue

it's hot the paper today I just feel like ending my life x I've never felt pain like this ever


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Wed May 19, 2021 11:13amReport post

Hi scrappy.

Please speak to your GP to get support for how you are feeling. There is also the Samaritans helpline or the Lucy faithful helpline (can be online if you are not comfortable to discuss over the phone).

You could also ask about what support is available to family and friends of those with custodial sentences at the prison. It will take time to adjust and there people here who are or have been in the same situation as you to provide support and advice.

Sending you hugs


Member since
January 2021

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Posted Wed May 19, 2021 11:34amReport post

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Edited Thu December 23, 2021 10:04pm


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Wed May 19, 2021 6:28pmReport post

Hi sadmum

Im sorry you have found yourself in the situation your in. I'm also a mother who's son is in prison for a communication offence.

prison is hard for the first while until the person settles down, accepts he's going to be there for a while and gets to know the other prisoners. After a while as bad as it sounds, they get used to it.

If your son gets sent to prison you will be able to visit him (subject to this virus) twice a week and you'll be able to talk to him on the phone daily so long as he has money on his phone account. You can put money into his prison account if you want to.

what they do all day depends if they get a job in there or not. Lots of them are not working in the prison admin because even in there only key workers have kept their job. if he gets a job it will keep him busy but if he doesn't the days can be long but he will likely have a cell mate so he won't be on his own.

I know it's premature and your son may not go to prison but have you thought about the whole take a bag to court scenario? There are a few on here who can advise what to pack on the day just in case the worst happens. Take care for now x


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Wed May 19, 2021 6:32pmReport post


My husband was sent to prison in March, he is in Parc, Bridgend and it's not to bad. We where also in the papers as he was a teacher, it passes. I found it a relief once I had got over the shock. I should think your son is in a VIP unit and my husband feels safe. Once you get to communicate and get into a routine it become part of your new life. You can also have purple visits, put money on his account, email, letters and visit. It's not great but it does get better. Hugs xx


Member since
January 2019

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Posted Wed May 19, 2021 7:13pmReport post

there's some horrible comments on Facebook x and on the papers website x they are in spoof names .. who would go to the trouble of making a false name x I'd not wish this on anyone x thanks for answering me x


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April 2021

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Posted Wed May 19, 2021 9:17pmReport post


My heart goes out to you and I'm sorry your in pain. I'm also a mum of a son - 6 weeks into this horrendous journey!
Not sure what any of us can say to help but please know your not alone!

Stay strong


Member since
January 2020

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Posted Wed May 19, 2021 10:44pmReport post

Hi Sadmum!

In regards to prison, my hubby was in a holding prison to start which was HMP Altcourse, it was very good, but then got moved to a prison closer to home. Yes I get to speak everyday. Currently because of Covid they get 1hr out of cell a day to get washed and go for a walk and use the phone. Some prisons have phones in their cells. The rest of the time is spent in the cell watching tv, reading and doing crafts or education. My hubby was in a cell on his own to begin with, now he shares with a nice bloke who he gets on with well.

His mental health is up and down but they can talk to someone if they need to and get medication and help. You can send money in for them to get treats and tea, coffee sugar etc. You can even buy bedding.
If you need to know anything else just ask. Xx

Hi Scrappy!

I am sending you massive hugs, I know what you're going through, the same happened to me with the press and Facebook. I came off social media for a while. I got so paranoid when I went out. I am strong now, I don't really care for peoples judgement anymore. They know nothing about the truth. It's all like a soap opera to them and soon enough it will be someone else they target.
As hard as it is at the moment you will get through this. Speak to your GP about how you're feeling. Remember your son needs you hun, and needs you to fight.


Member since
January 2019

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Posted Wed May 19, 2021 10:50pmReport post

Thanks for all your support x today had been the worst day x a friend has stuck up for my lad on Facebook he was mad and said all you have all done is red the headline and the evidence does not add up x I was so proud of him x we've had amazing support from family and friends x I've had flowers left on my step and cards x I was desperately sad this morning and didn't want to live x day one is over and it's baby steps for me x thank you all so much you don't know how much you have helped me x

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

445 posts

Posted Thu May 20, 2021 2:51pmReport post

Hello Scrappy,

I am sorry to hear about the difficult situation that you and your family are currently going through. I am happy that you have been able to reach out for support on the Family and Friends forum and have been met with many caring and supportive comments. I want to encourage you to call our anonymous and confidential helpline on 0808 1000 900 in order to talk to someone outside of the situation and access some on-going support during this time. You may also find it beneficial to consider making a GP appointment to discuss if there is any support that they can offer you. Additionally, if you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, or just want someone to talk to then please do consider calling Samaritans on 116 123.

I hope you continue to utilise this forum to access on-going support. Take care.


Edited Thu May 20, 2021 2:51pm


Member since
January 2019

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Posted Thu May 20, 2021 7:52pmReport post

I have booked some counselling through my job , my boss has been an amazing support . It's the sheer desperation of everything and we've not had a call yet either . X I'm over Facebook and the newspaper, we have had a lot of support from our friends and family . Thanks everyone .


Member since
November 2019

107 posts

Posted Fri May 21, 2021 8:37pmReport post

Hi srappy

I am sorry you are going through so much.I was there 6 months ago when my only son was sent to prison for 30 months.I have had really bad days and felt like ending it all and still do sometimes but I speak to my child everyday 3 or 4 times day.I would also urge to see your GP.

stay strong your son wil need you when he comes home.


Member since
January 2019

66 posts

Posted Fri May 21, 2021 10:13pmReport post

Hi Fatso

Thanks for replying xx I'd not wish this on anyone but it's so nice to know people understand x this forum had been a godsend to me this week . Hope you're son is doing ok x



Member since
January 2021

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Posted Sat May 22, 2021 12:10pmReport post

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Edited Thu December 23, 2021 10:04pm