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? Divorce settlement

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Member since
October 2018

108 posts

so after nearly 8 months waiting for the devices to be looked at my husband has been back in for questioning and told they’ve found several images over all 3 categories, to say I’m devastated would be an understatement, he believes that clicking on an image and then deleting is not classed as downloading! Either he’s very naive or it’s just his way of not being forthcoming with the truth! I’m so scared now of what’s going to happen, his solicitor advised him to say no comment throughout the entire interview which to me is an admission of guilt! He said so many questions he wanted to explain but his solicitor said no, now I’ve got the police coming to speak to me next week then it will go to cps, not sure yet of the actual charges, I’m trying to be practical now as it’s my only way of coping, if he loses his job we lose our house, I wanted to know if we got divorced straight away and he signed it over to me would we still lose it if he was declared bankrupt even though it’s in my name? It sounds selfish and I’m really worried about his and my mental health but I’ve got to keep a roof over my daughters head and I want as little disruption to her life as possible?

thanks for the ongoing support guys


Posted Thu May 30, 2019 10:38amReport post

Jayne G

Member since
March 2019

128 posts

Hi JB, my partner was also advised to "no comment" the questions. I'm told that this actually might help the situation in a round about way - my partner also wanted to answer a lot of their questions and felt he had a defence, but was advised not to, as giving them "something" can take them down a totally different path.

I'm also concerned about our house and I know it won't be as simple as him signing it over to me as if they look at it on the face of things, I can't afford the house alone. I'd suggest you speak to Citizens Advice to see what they recommend, and it could be worth you speaking with your mortgage provider to see if they'll look at reduced payments for a period of time?

Posted Thu May 30, 2019 12:18pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

No comment isnt an admission of guilt but it really depends what he was going to say. If he was going to lie or come up with excuses that make things look bad then no comment is best. If he doesn't want to admit to or does not accept his guilt then again no comment might be best. People say all kinds of things in interviews and any lies tend to snowball and well as admissions of guilt people can over share. The interview was his opportunity to explain, if he relies on s defence at court that he didnt mention in court the court may be less likely to believe him. I'm sorry things are not looking how you were hoping. I think its best to seek advice from a solicitor, mortgage advisor etc on the house or citizens advice. Just to make sure whatever you do really will protect the house and your financial situation.

Posted Thu May 30, 2019 1:32pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

That's supposed to say if he relies on a defence in court that he didnt mention in interview they then the court might be less willing to believe him.

Posted Thu May 30, 2019 1:34pmReport post

Trying to keep it together

Member since
February 2019

111 posts

Hey JB,

I seemed to miss this post. I hadn't realised that this was what happened after his interview. I hope.your doing ok. I hope Friday went as well as it could, did it give you any further info or clarity?

In terms of mortgage you would need to have the mortgage taken in your own name as well as the title deeds so it all depends on affordability and if you pass your lenders assessment to take the mortgage on your own. Speak to your mortgage adviser or.your lender to.find out the best way forward.

In terms of bankruptcy it very much would depend on numerous factors as it could be viewed that he disposed of an asset quickly to be able to not pay his creditors. Bankruptcy is probably alot further down the line than you think, creditors now have alot of things they can do before it gets that far. Again I'd engage with them sooner rather than later to outline a plan and also citizens advice are a great port of call for planning, as well as money advice service website.

Good luck for tomorrow!


Posted Sun June 9, 2019 10:00pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

108 posts

Hey guys

im feeling a little bit worried today, the police officer showed me a couple of pictures and even though you can’t see her face the pictures are obviously of my daughter, she is dressed and they are by no means indecent but I feel like the officer has used me, my husband had told me he’d taken the pictures but during his interview he was told to say no comment, I told the officer this and even though I declined to make a statement she said she would write one to say what I said!! I didnt think she could do this I don’t want to get him into anymore trouble cause I just want my life back! I’ve asked my hubby to speak to his solicitor to get some advice on the matter and see if it’s possible my comments can be retracted, do you think that’s possible??

tia JB x

Posted Mon June 10, 2019 5:07pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Did she say how the images were used, just because they are not indecent does not mean they have not been used/shared/discussed inappropriately. That is your child and while I understand you want your life back, all you can do is tell the truth. If what you said was the truth then there is no need to retract anything. I'd imagine they can write in their own statement what you said even if you are not prepared to write a statement yourself. If you have answered the police questions honestly and truthfully then you should take no blame for any outcome of that, do not put so much pressure on yourself. You retracting what you said will not make anything better or change anything, refusing to cooperate with the police will not help him or your situation.

Posted Mon June 10, 2019 6:18pmReport post

Quick exit