Family and Friends Forum

stop now curse and money

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Member since
June 2019

9 posts

Posted Tue August 13, 2019 8:24pmReport post

I am a very sad. One thing i husband need to do is a curse or some kind of therapy to deal with his adiction. He called the stop now helpline and give him a date to call to speak about the curses..He call today and the lady told him the curse is £700. He dosent got the money but wanted more information and is going to save for it. But before giving to him any information they asked for £80. I dont understad why to ask for that amount only for the information. Has anyone got.any information?

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Posted Wed August 14, 2019 10:55amReport post

Hi mvr69,

I am pleased to see that you have found the Friends and Family forum and seem to be finding it a safe space for you to discuss what is happening for you and your husband and get your own support.

I am unable to comment on your husband’s situation specifically, but I will try to give you some general information as to what our operator will have discussed with your husband. Firstly, to explain our fees we charge £700 for our Inform Plus course, which is a ten week educational programme for individuals who have accessed indecent images of children. Additionally, we charge £80 for the initial face to face meeting. We have a face to face appointment with all individuals who are looking to do further work with us, this allows us to get more information regarding the individual’s circumstances as well as make sure that Inform Plus is the best way forwards for them. We do recognised that the £780 can be unmanageable for some people, and subsequently we are sometimes able to subsidise places on our course for individuals who are not able to pay the whole £780. However, these places are dependent on funding and how many other participants are on the course and this option is generally discussed in more depth at the face to face meeting. Additionally, due to funding we are not able to subsidise the £80 for the face to face meeting. If your husband is not able to fund the £80 for this initial meeting our operator will have discussed alternative services with him which are available via the helpline. For example, our Get Help callbacks which is a free callback service with a trained practitioner who will help him to think about his online behaviour at the time of offending. So I would encourage your husband to make contact with the helpline to discuss this option if he feels he would like to address his behaviour in this way. Additionally, full information on the services we offer can be accessed for free via the helpline.

Additionally, we recognise that the partners, family and friends of those who have accessed indecent images of children often need their own space to discuss what is happening and to get support and advice. Therefore, I would recommend, if you have not already, that you consider getting in contact with the Stop It Now! helpline on 0808 1000 900. We do also have face to face services which you can access via the helpline if you felt you wanted further support.

I hope this post has been helpful,



Member since
June 2019

9 posts

Posted Thu August 15, 2019 8:29amReport post

thanks for your explanation. He cant afford the £80 at.the moment

Yes the lady told him about.other options but English is his second language and the telephone is difficult for him. he has read the modules on the web site it. the help line in the beginning and helped me with some questions. Sometimes i think a.face to face will help me but i cant afford it now either. Thanks


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Posted Sat August 17, 2019 10:17pmReport post

Lucy I'm struggling ATM. Can ex partners get support? Ex since arrest.

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Posted Mon August 19, 2019 9:23amReport post

Hi Partner,

I am very sorry to hear that you are struggling; I am pleased that you have found the forum and hopefully it is providing you with some support. You have not mentioned what your ex-partner was arrested for, but we offer support to anyone who is affected by online and offline offences against children including the access of indecent images or sexual communication with a minor. We can appreciate that although distancing oneself from the individual who has committed the offences is the right decision for some people, this does not mean these ex-partners do not need support to come to terms with what has been happening. I would encourage you to call our anonymous and confidential helpline on 0808 1000 900. Our trained helpline operators will talk to you about what has been happening for you, as well as provide you with support and advice.


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