Family and Friends Forum

Can SS change their mind

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Member since
November 2024

122 posts

Posted Mon November 25, 2024 11:57pmReport post

Social services have been doing an assessment, after meeting with my older children today she rang me and said by the end of the week she will have completed her assessment and will send it over, she said she will either be closing the case or referring us for early help but has stated that there will be a plan in place which will include no contact with our older children until probation deems him to be a lower risk to them. Probation has already said that he is low risk of contact offenses and medium risk for online offending but he now has software on his phone that will significantly decrease that risk. They have said that I will hopefully be able to supervise contact now between him and our youngest daughter Which of course is great news. She has said that when his risk assessment from probation deems him to be lower risk around them I'm to get back in contact and then she will start another investigation, does that mean that this whole process will start over again and he'll have no contact with any of the children again? How often do probation workers carry out risk assessments? .. is there any chance she's lied and this isn't what's going to happen and I'm getting my hopes up for nothing? It just feels like I can see a little light now at the end of the tunnel but I've had this feeling a few times and every time been wrong. I guess my question is could she say that and then change her mind before decision day?


Member since
April 2023

508 posts

Posted Tue November 26, 2024 8:52amReport post

Hi Marauder,

I so wish I could say something positively definite as an answer but like all walks of life there are honest and reasonable social workers just as there are honest and reasonable police who we come across on our individual journies. And even if our assigned professionals are on the good side they have to answer to higher ups who might not be as ethical or complete 'jobsworths'. All I would say is that you should always ask (and keep asking until it happens) for anything you are told to be followed up in writing by email so that you have a paper trail for the future. That might tell you whether you're being told something just to keep you happy in the moment with no basis in the truth because whoever it is won't want to commit like that - and if it's provided willingly you will have a record of what you were promised/told for future reference.

Walking this tightrope with people where we have to decide if they are telling us the truth is such a tiring and stressful part of our journey and i do hope your SW is a good one xx

Edited Tue November 26, 2024 8:52am


Member since
November 2024

122 posts

Posted Thu November 28, 2024 1:11pmReport post

Just an update. For those who may or may not be reading. My social worker has been back in touch and they will infact not be closing their case. They're going to be doing a protective parenting assessment on me and meeting with my other half's probation worker to discuss risks he poses and how we can go from there. I thought I could see a light at the end of the tunnel but maybe I was wrong ????


Member since
February 2023

128 posts

Posted Thu November 28, 2024 2:47pmReport post

There is a light at the end of the tunnel - it's just that the bloody tunnel is so long. As you are pregnant and single parenting try to take it one day, one meeting at a time and study protective parenting modules on sister website parents protect. X


Member since
November 2024

122 posts

Posted Thu November 28, 2024 3:53pmReport post

Where is the best place to find these modules and things do you know?