Family and Friends Forum

Second Interview.

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Member since
June 2019

236 posts

My husband has been told by the police today that he will be having a second interview on the 28th February. This has set him and myself into a spin. It will have been 9 months since the knock, so faster than a lot of other cases which worries me.

So when they rang my husband said he was living between here and Wales. I took him off the electoral roll here and he was placed onto his mothers address electoral roll. He also changed his address on his driving licence etc. The call took him by suprise and he mentioned our family home. I am concerned they will now mention this in court.

Also when is it best for him to change his name? I feel we are against the clock now. I work with children and have worked at the same place for 16 years so will do anything for this not to get out and a conection to be made.

Any advice I would be grateful of. Thank you.

Posted Mon January 20, 2020 2:55pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts


Our son commited a communication offence and has been convicted.

we moved after he was charged before it went to court. He had to update the police of his new address while waiting to go to court which he did. I'm not sure about england but here in Scotland they would come out once a month and check my sons devices while he waited to go to court.

When it went to court we were worried that it would be the new address that went in the paper but it didn't. Nobody has seen got to inform the court that his address had changed so the old address went in the paper. This worked well for us simply because it did not go in the local paper where we moved to. I think here in Scotland the police are bad at updating the new address with the court meaning that a lot of the time it's the address you were living when you were arrested that gets used. I think I read somewhere on here though that you can ask the solicitor to make sure the court and press know the correct address and request they do not print your address. That said the press seem to do as they likebecause they don't give a toss who they hurt as long as they sell newspapers.

As for a name change I can't really help much. My son was advised not to bother because the press are notorious for printing Peter Smith formerly knows as Peter Jones which is another example of the press not giving two hoots of the hurt, devastation and trauma they cause to other families. It amazes me that the press can do all this and really don't have to answer to anyone unless you are mega rich and have the funds to take them on. Disgraceful!!!!! X

Posted Mon January 20, 2020 10:44pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Thanks for your reply nicenana. I agree the media just do not give two hoots about the lives they are ruining. It scares me the most. I don't want to have to move and leave my job of 16 years.

Reporting on the case is my major worry.

Posted Tue January 21, 2020 9:36pmReport post

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