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Conviction outcomes

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I know people reading this will just think I should move on and deal with this but I am just interested to know other people's outcomes and what their partners received.

My husband received a 3 year community order. The evidence was he had viewed 36 (although 8 were thumbnails). There was no evidence of where the images were from and if indeed from the same site. No evidence of searches. Therefore I'm wondering why such a high sentence .I understand even 1 just image is serious but there are famous people in the news that just received a conditional discharge. How is that fair?

I don't agree with what my husband has done however I do feel it is a bit harsh and the police didn't even offer a caution. I know that he must have visited the site 5 times however the court don't know that as no evidence so I don't understand where a 3 year thing has come from and I don't think it's fair that he gets the same as someone whose done something like this but viewed more images.

Posted Wed February 20, 2019 8:10amReport post


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Posted Wed February 20, 2019 11:32am
Edited Mon May 3, 2021 6:35amReport post


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Hi Andrea thanks for your reply.

So that goes to show that courts aren't consistent with sentencing. It really should be as that's not fair at all. I know every case is different but they should just use 1 rule for sentencing so that everyone is treated the same x

Posted Wed February 20, 2019 12:08pmReport post


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please never think people on here just think you need to get over it and move on. It’s an overwhelming place to be. Every one of us will get that feeling.

i agree with you things should be fair. I agree what Andrea says it may depend on the judge and how good the solicitor is. Though to be fair every case is different some men really get how serious the offence is and others like mine just can’t ackn the seriousness of the situation.

Rainbow this is a safe space please feel free to use it and ask any questions. I am still struggling to get my head around it all and know my partner isn’t telling me the whole truth.

How is day to day life for you. Did it hit the press, that’s my biggest fear and my ex husbands computer equipment isn’t even back yet. I am more worried about this than the outcome of the conviction.

Posted Wed February 20, 2019 1:27pmReport post


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I also get what your saying about the number of images, while each and every one is a child having a few shows he is not as far deep as the others and should with some rehabilitation get through this.

Posted Wed February 20, 2019 1:29pmReport post


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Posted Wed February 20, 2019 2:00pm
Edited Mon May 3, 2021 6:35amReport post


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My partner got suspended prison sentence, sor, shpo and community service for one conversation with a person who had an adult profile, then said in conversation they were a child but they are actually an adult. Considering what sentences ive seen for others i think his was harsh but i guess its his own fault. If he hadnt of had an addiction and hadnt have been chatting with women online then we wouldnt be in this mess.

Posted Wed February 20, 2019 2:02pmReport post


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January 2019

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Thanks for the kind words. I'm at 22 months now. And although this is the outcome I still feel numb and distraught as I'm sure you must be feeling too.

My husband is an outgoing person with a lot of friends. If people found out then this would kill him as well as the rest of us. I'm not keeping quiet because of him but for our children. I'm still waiting for SS to call him. I'm dreading what they will say and how they will judge me. I'm keeping my children safe as I have done for 21 months but will they judge me for wanting them to still have a positive relationship with their dad? I work in a school and have seen affects on children when parents break up. I don't want SS to sit and just ask what have I decided for the future. I don't want to make the wrong decisions that they don't agree with. I'm selling the house and searching for a single mortgage surely that will show my decision? However like I said I still want my children to see their dad. Is this wrong? I'm trying to give them a normal life as possible and also protecting them from people who judge. I understand SS want to protect them from any harm from my husband but they must realise we need to protect them from the oupside world of opinions too.

I look at people in the street and think why can't it be you that's destroyed your family, why me. What has possibly happened for my husband to start going onto a chat forum. I'm sure these are all the same questions that you have asked yourself too. I'm really hoping that in a few weeks I can start to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Posted Wed February 20, 2019 4:22pmReport post


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Of course you are not wrong for wanting whats best for your children. There are lots of us on here with children and we won't judge you. I would like to stay with my husband, he is here every day but not living at home. I dont know how it will turn out with cs and probation but we will see. You do what you think is right, supervised access is good for everyone, the kids are safe but they also get to have a relationship with their dad. Everyone's circumstances are different, for some people it simply isn't safe to let their partner have access and the children are better off without their dad while in other cases the risk is low/or theres no risk so why should they miss out on a relationship with their father. It's hard not to worry what other people think, im happy to talk about my husbands situation but id still rather strangers dont know. I dont know if we get to keep it quite. Hopefully your partner can also keep it fairly quiet. Lots of time is spent teaching kids about internet safety but i think adults need teaching too. My husband made the mistake of his life, internet chatrooms are dangerous places for all who use them. I never used to think to much about the dangers of chat rooms and porn but now i cant see why anyone would go near any if it.

Posted Wed February 20, 2019 4:42pmReport post


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Maria, have SS met with you? When did your husband receive his sentence?

Posted Wed February 20, 2019 4:46pmReport post


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Yes we have been dealing with social services for 6 months, they are making assessment and meet with us both regularly (they have been appauling but thats because they have no staff I think) we are having to repeat alot of things. He was sentenced this week so im waiting to hear if that changes anything with social services, i think they will now involve the probation service and go from there. It's so draining, going from a perfect family to this mess.

Posted Wed February 20, 2019 5:08pmReport post


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Maria I really feel for you. It's positive to hear they are working with you even if it does take a long time and I do hope you get the outcome you want. Are your children old enough to know or be told whats happening? Mine are 14 and 13. They try and understand but I still know it's heartbreaking for them. Although my main concern is keeping them safe however being financially stable is just as important. We only just got used to having extra money and having a few luxuries and so I fear if my husband loses his job then we will have nothing. I need to point that out to SS too which is why I can't afford to tell people as they will contact my husbands work

Posted Wed February 20, 2019 5:33pmReport post

Big sigh

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December 2018

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Rainbow - sorry to be so nosy, but my partner yet to be charged so trying to learn from everyone’s experience - what category were the images? And was the website a “legal” one? Feel like my partner may be in the same situation as your’s.

Did you get a solicitor who specialised in these type of cases? And did you get a forensic analysis of the computer equipment yourself?

sorry to be asking all this at this time when you’re going through it all at the moment, it these aren’t the type of questions I can ask anywhere else.


Posted Wed February 20, 2019 8:07pmReport post


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December 2018

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Rainbow your post made me fizz with anger. How is your husbands conviction safe and his sentence fair on what you say? The odds are stacked against you in offences like this, it’s really hard to fight your way out of it. Did your husband plead guilty?

It sounds to me that the court went on evidence of repeated visits to a particular website that wasn’t illegal but has been ‘known’ to post police assessed illegal images. I hope you found a good forensic examiner to test the images.

These sites that the police derive so much so called evidence could easily be banned in this country. I was looking at cake recipes the other day and several could not be accessed from GB. Why don’t they do this with these legal sites?

Big Sigh you must get an independent forensic examiner, to get any counterbalance for the defence and to fully understand the implications of what’s being alleged. Of course that depends on any charge if that comes.

When our nightmare started I searched and searched the Internet for any not guilty findings I could find, there were barely any. Recently I stumbled on the sight evidence matters (think it was a .com sight) I was heartened to see lots of examples of not guilty findings and cases dropped due to challenges to prosecution evidence. All those men would have no doubt have been found guilty if it wasn’t for that.

It frustrates me no end that innocent families have to suffer the purgatory associated with this but the authorities want that, to act as a warning to others. Well it’s not working, numbers are going up and up. Someone has to speak up for the other side, the innocent lives ruined by this. But you daren’t for fear of being veiwed as supporting or condoning looking for and at illegal images. I don’t, but I do so want to speak up for the other side.

Posted Thu February 21, 2019 5:29amReport post


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There were 3 in cat A, some in B and the majority in C. What really annoyed me was the jury didn't even know he had visited the site and no evidence of where the images came from so technically he could have been on 36 different sites for 1 to come up. Obviously we know what wasn't the case but I feel there wasn't enough evidence. He pleaded not guilty.

The solicitor he had we thought was good however towards the court date is had to keep chasing her etc and asking for them to get computer evidence. She wasn't asking them the right questions etc. I searched every night for information and like you say there isn't really much. It was too late to change solicitors.

I even asked he we could appeal the verdict but barrister said not really. Haven't asked about appealing the sentence as I feel that would do more harm than good. I feel that the solicitor can't be bothered now and she's more worried about getting paid. All she could say was it's over now. Apparently the barrister was saying the outcome was good as could have been custodial. What for 36 images?!

I understand my husband kept going on the site but there was no evidence to suggest this. The images were viewed in Jan to March then a gap with nothing and then June. That didn't even help him either. It wasn't like he was addicted to going on it every night.

Posted Thu February 21, 2019 8:41amReport post

Big sigh

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December 2018

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Rainbow, thanks so much for your reply and letting me know the details. It seems harsh as a sentence but it doesn’t look like there is much you can do now except try and rebuild your lives x

Posted Thu February 21, 2019 1:16pmReport post


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So I just had a casual chat with SS. She didn't really say much. I said whilst he has his 3 year order then we won't be living together. He does come round every day and I'm managing supervised contact. It felt like she just wanted me to say yes separated and that's it. I did question about unsupervised contact in the future and she just replied saying for me to contact her at that time. I said about keeping positive relationship with kids and she was happy for that but just for it to be supervised. Not quite sure what to make of it really. Obviously I am keeping my kids safe however I don't feel it should be supervised for the whole 3 years til he finishes his order but I can't say that right now as it won't seem like I am keeping kids safe etc.

Posted Fri February 22, 2019 11:38amReport post


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February 2019

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What I would say about social workers is that their job is to keep children safe. It is easier for them when couples split. They can put children on Child in Need plans or step it up to a Child Protection Plan but to get children taken off parents they need a court order. They have to prove that there is a likelihood of the risk of significant harm. That is quite hard to prove. It's always the right thing to be honest with them but don't let them bully you into you making their job easier. They like mothers to end relationships to make their life easier but if you don't it comes down to them having to work closely with the family and doing plans and risk assessments. I think it's fair to say that there is also a risk of harm when families are broken up. Sending love and do what you think is right for the family xx

Posted Sat February 23, 2019 4:32pmReport post


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Thanks Betty. I just felt the conversation with her was one sided and she just wanted to hear the right things. I mentioned we had separated as in hes living elsewhere but he still visits every day however she took it as that's it never reunited again. I said I'm taking a day at a time etc as I also don't know what I am doing in the future. Does anyone? She said that he would need to seek law etc for more contact in the future but I think that's just the general speech as she needed to ensure I had support if I felt he wasn't safe. I understand all that however after my husband's order my daughter will be 17. That's why I did question surely not supervised access for the 3 years of his order. It all gets complicated and I think im over thinking it too much. At the moment we are friends, I'm trying to support him with his rehabilitation etc and he sees the kids every eve as we have dinner together. Is this the right thing? I don't know. I just want a little normality for my children. I haven't lied to SS. I've said exactly what we're doing but I feel I am being questioned etc.

Posted Sun February 24, 2019 9:45amReport post

Big sigh

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December 2018

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Rainbow - have SS done a new assessment since the conviction? If so, have they been put on a CIN or CP plan? You do have options you know, if you are prepared to fight

Posted Sun February 24, 2019 7:16pmReport post


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No they just rang me and asked if I needed extra support. To be honest I'm scared what today to them as I will be judged that I'm not putting my children first. I thought I would leave how we are for now and wait til husband has finished his hours. His SHPO only mentions not accessing the internet without police software, nothing about having unsupervised access with children.

We never had an assessment in the first place. A lady came round not a SW I have now found out just said supervised access until we know further.

Posted Mon February 25, 2019 6:47amReport post

Big sigh

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December 2018

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Hi Rainbow

i think you need to decide first what it is you want and then plan towards it. On the Family Rights Group forum there is a man who posted a timeline and he went to prison and then worked back to being reunited with his family, which he achieved. I should imagine that SS/ probation will want him to do a course like the Lucy Faithfull one, which should demonstrate he is lowering the risk. And maybe you go on one too?

Thinking of you x

Posted Mon February 25, 2019 10:24amReport post


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January 2019

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Hi big sigh

Thanks for this. I will get him to talk to probation. I think I'm trying to keep this as quiet as possible plus don't want SS to be having to intervene at school etc. I thought keep as supervised until hes finished the hours and then take a step at a time trying not to rush the process but like someone else said I am making their job easy if I just agree but I'm scared as to what the consequences will be

Posted Mon February 25, 2019 4:12pmReport post


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The recommended sentencing varies from country, region and even town. Judges also vary their own opinion, as long as they are withing the guidelines.

My old neighbours offence was IDENTICAL to my husbands, they had the same solicitor, were similar age. The only difference was the judge and the timing. My husbands was right in the middle of all the historical cases coming out. My neighbour received a community order and on the register for a few years (5 I think) whilst my husband got a 6 month prison sentence, a fine, 3 year community order and lifetime registration.

I'm still bitter about it in a way but I was told he was being made an example of. Had the offence been earlier or later the outcome could have been different. Same as if the judge was different or we were only a few miles away.

Posted Thu March 7, 2019 1:35amReport post


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January 2019

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I just wanted to bump this up to see if any more have finally been to court and what your partner's outcome was and how you are dealing/coping with it x

Posted Mon June 10, 2019 5:14pmReport post

Big sigh

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December 2018

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Hi - no news from me still. Not heard anything from police - devices still with them. Now been 7 months

Posted Mon June 10, 2019 7:42pmReport post


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January 2019

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Hi big sigh. Sorry to hear you havent heard yet. The waiting part is the worst and I really think police etc should look into this and deal with it differently x

Posted Tue June 11, 2019 6:46amReport post


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June 2019

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Hi all

I suppose we just have to keep hanging in there and wait.

Police have had devices all along. The waiting is getting unbearable for me, but we’ve got to stay strong.

Hope you don’t all have too much longer to wait. Depending which Constabulary it’s with will probably come into it.

Keep smiling people (she says on another bad day!)

Posted Tue June 11, 2019 6:58amReport post


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December 2018

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I am still waiting too 7 months in!

The police officer actually told me to say the computers are back but they are dealt with contact offenders first. Do my husband is lie down on the priority. While it’s good they feel he never harmed a child directly I really need some closure of this chapter of my life. And my daughter needs her father to survive. His mental health is extremely poor waiting and it’s painful to watch. Yes he caused a himself but oh my the shock of the arrest has really helped him address his demons and depression. I just don’t want everything to be put back when the police finally get in touch it’s horrendous waiting. The numbers of offenders must have a huge impact on the police resources. I completely understand they have to protect the vulnerable children first and formost.

I just don’t know what the conclusion will be and that makes me scared.

Posted Tue June 11, 2019 7:14pmReport post


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Just bumping this up to see if theres anyone who has had any further news x

Posted Mon November 4, 2019 7:42amReport post


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We got the knock 18 months ago. Every possible device was seized including memory cards, cameras, tablets, phones and laptops. My partner admitted using a peer to peer site to view amateur adult movies. They found 4 movie clips totaling 45 seconds. Police stated 2 of the movies were deleted immediately and never opened. No prepubicement images but of teenager's. He pleaded guilty and was given a 12 month prison sentence suspended for 2 years. 10 year SHPO and 10 year SOR. He's a broken man, he was stupid and reckless but the punishment seems excessive although I truly believe he needed punishing.

Posted Mon November 4, 2019 12:22pmReport post


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May 2019

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My knock came in may and was sentenced last week. I know feel fortunate at how quickly it was all dealt with. He got a 12 month suspended sentence for 2 years and 10 years sor. There was alot of confusion regarding the categories wich led the judge to dismiss the cat a. And also with the distribution it was proven that they were automatically uploaded without knowledge so again the judge dismissed that also. I do feel what he recieved was fair. He has gone down a very dark path and should be punished for that wich he has but has also been given the chance to get the help he needs to make sure it doesnt happen again to to get help with why he done it in the first place.

Posted Mon November 4, 2019 12:54pmReport post


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January 2019

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Thanks for your updates. Sorry to hear you are in this awful situation too. I agree that people need to be punished but also more needs to be done about not putting it on the internet. When it all started ss said to me because my husband viewed the material he was likely to actually do something which I disagree with. We never know what a person will do. I watch soaps where there storylines of murder and drugs yet no one is accusing me that I will do that. Why not?

Are you staying with your partners? I'm still taking a day at a time. I'm thinking what is best for my kids. Trying to keep things as normal as possible is what I'm trying to do. My eldest will be doing her exams soon so I want her to focus on them as much as possible.

Posted Mon November 4, 2019 4:11pmReport post


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October 2019

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Hi all,

Im so sorry that you are all here. I’m wondering if anyone can share sentencing for possession of images? I’m trying very hard not to think about the future and take it one day at a time but that’s the thing that won’t let be calm every night (among others but this is the main one).

thank you

Posted Mon November 4, 2019 5:49pmReport post

Big sigh

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December 2018

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Hi Frazzled

your best bet might be to look at the sentencing guidelines - you can find them online. On the guidance you will see the maximum sentence and the minimum sentence. Then you will see aggravating factors and mitigating factors and how much the judge is allowed to take into account. There are also things like having a risk assessment done before sentencing and also someone attending a course / therapy (if they are pleading guilty) which some judges might take into account when sentencing. The LF Inform course goes through the legal side of things too if you ever wanted to do the course. X

Posted Mon November 4, 2019 8:42pmReport post


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October 2019

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Thanks big sigh! I’ve been doing a lot of research to prepare myself but there doesn’t seem to be a super consistent sentence across the board so was curious to see what everyone had experienced xx

Posted Tue November 5, 2019 12:05pmReport post


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January 2019

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Just thought I would bump this up as noticed there are a few new people on here who are unfortunately in the same position x

Posted Wed May 6, 2020 5:58pmReport post


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July 2019

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8 images. All Cat C. Only one opened. Caution. SOR 2 years.

Posted Sun June 7, 2020 9:13amReport post


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May 2020

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Hi everyone,

I find this so interesting, I'm currently racking my brain (stupidly) trying to work out what sentence my dad may get, mainly to prepare myself but I think like alot of u have already said it comes down to the judge on the day. My dad has all 3 categories 16000 in C a couple of hundred in b and over 1000 in A and evidence from 2008-19 so I'm guessing it's going to prison...which kills me as he will be so vulnerable and i have nightmares about him being beaten up. I often wonder what they base a suspended sentence on? We r due to go magistrates in Aug but have been told to expect it to be adjourned for crown court. I'm also trying to gauge what is the likelihood it would go public. The time and the unknown is the worst bit for me,.painstakingly so. It kind of comes and goes and causes my emotions to rollercoaster, i guess for dad its partner the punishment but it's so hard to witness someone u love and care about suffer..I just want it to be over with so we can try and re build our life and relationship, the stress often makes me question if that's even what I I want to rebuild a relationship after such betrayal but I cant just stop caring.

I will update u as and when he gets sentenced as like others I think it is helpful(for me at least) to see what others got

Posted Sun June 7, 2020 9:53pmReport post


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May 2020

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Hi Vicky86, please try not to worry too much about prison. While there is no guarantee, they rarely give prison sentence for first offence unless the person is in a position of trust. If he did get a prison sentence then don't worry about him getting beaten up. My son is in prison now and men who have committed this crime are segregated away from the main prison and are protected. My son had 8 weeks of a 9 month sentence left and hasn't had any problems in that respect x big hugs x

Posted Sun June 7, 2020 10:16pmReport post


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March 2021

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@Vicky86 has your dad been sentenced yet?

My dads case sounds similar to yours but his sentencing isn't til the end of April. We've waiting over 2 since since "the knock". I can't decide how I feel about him now. If it was anyone else I would cut them out if my life forever but I just can't switch off my feelings, he's my dad after all. Such a mix of emotions from anger, sadness, grief, guilt, shame. It's just awful. I have three daughters as well and I'm worried about what to tell them. Unfortunately my dads story was in the local paper.

Posted Tue March 16, 2021 8:45pmReport post


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April 2020

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My husband was sentenced last week 18 months community order, 150 hours community service 25 rehabilitation days and 5 year SHPO this was for 35 images in all categories

I am so relieved he didn't go to prison as that would have changed all of our lives but now feel numb as have waited a year for this outcome and don't know how to feel now!
luckily there wasn't any press there due to covid I was only person in court

How do you ladies get back to some normality?

Posted Sun March 21, 2021 11:32am
Edited Sun March 21, 2021 11:33amReport post


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January 2021

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Is there anyone on here with high numbers of images, my husband had a few hundred cat b a few hundred cat c and 70 cat a. We know some were unopened files. We know he distributed 4 cat c on one occasion. Some of the images also are replicate due to cloud storage for example they're from the laptop but cloud storage has stored them to be accessed by the phone too. Will that be taken into consideration? It's across a 10 Yr period too. He waiting for charges. Should he be looking into his own forensics analysis? How much is this? He's already told them he accepts the evidence and wants to plead guilty. Is it likely now he will go to prison?

Posted Sun March 21, 2021 1:11pmReport post


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December 2019

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Hi saphire

It depends on the judge on the day to be honest. Have they got their charges yet? Sounds like to me it is likely making (means they created a file e.g. saved iioc) of all categories and distribution of cat C. The maximum sentences differ for each charge type- distribution has a higher prison term sentence than possession for example.

But it doesn't always mean prison sentence is passed. My partner had 100s of each category and distribution for all categories. He also had animal images and other prohibited material. We expected a prison sentence (prepared for the worst, hope for the best). He was passed a suspended sentence for two years, 200 hours community service and on the SOR and SHPO for ten years.

It wasn't clear from the judge why they didnt pass a prison sentence. We had character references drawn up for family and friends, he did the inform course before charges passed. He also had no other offences. These might have helped.

Posted Sun March 21, 2021 4:13pmReport post


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January 2021

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Charges haven't been done yet I think they said 28 days wait. I was hoping the 4 cat c distribution would be dismissed as its 4 images shared within 20 mins on one date quite a few years ago. But I know that's unlikely they'll let that slide.

Obviously I don't know the ages concerned. I only that he said he was sent things he didn't ask for and thing he didn't open which could include anything. He did open things he thought were older teens and considered would be OK to view and sometimes there'd be younger mixed in with them and he just deleted it. Now he realises that it doesn't matter as it was there whether opened viewed or deleted. He also realises that its abuse even with those he thought were older teens and then okay to view and he is quite rightly sickened by his actions.

He's got no previous offences. Never arrested prior to this. I would do him a character statement and to show the impact its had on me and the children and what we stand to lose in terms of our house if he loses his job or goes to prison. So far only my parents know. I don't know if they'd be willing to do a character statement and I don't know if he would be willing to disclose anything to his friends. I think he plans to keep minimal people knowing and hope for the best that it doesn't hit the media. He's trying to get info on the Inform course to sign up but he's so far been unable to get through on the helpline to discuss that is it worth doing it prior to court? He has therapy from a stopso therapist and is doing the online modules and has extensive notes to show that he's completing them thoroughly.

Posted Sun March 21, 2021 8:00pmReport post

Autumn Gold

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February 2021

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Hi Saphire

My husband was charged with images in all categories, hundreds in A and B and thousands in C; seven prohibited images and no distribution. It didn’t matter whether he had viewed them or not. He was passed a suspended sentence of eight months for eighteen months, 120 hours community service, 10 Rehabilitation days, 10 years SOR and SHPO.

He had no previous convictions. As we had kept it to ourselves; as we had wanted to keep minimal people knowing; I was the only one who gave him a character reference which the judge read in court before passing the sentence. He had also brought his Inform file with him to show the judge and a copy of the number of times he had contacted the Helpline. It was discussed whether he would get community service however due to the A category he was given the suspended sentence.

As others on here have said it is down to the judge on the day. Their starting point is the sentencing Council guidelines and then any mitigating/aggravating circumstances.

Posted Sun March 21, 2021 8:55pmReport post


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January 2021

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Thank you for your reply. It all can come down to luck on the day then with the judge I guess.

Posted Sun March 21, 2021 9:28pmReport post


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January 2019

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My son has been found guilty today of distributing a cat B photo and attempting to facilitate a child sex offence x they've told him to expect a custodial ????

Posted Fri March 26, 2021 8:07amReport post


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January 2019

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This is from the original charge . Was over two years ago. It's been horrendous. The judge said that he had to prepare for a custodial sentence. But she wanted to wanted to explore all other options

Posted Fri March 26, 2021 9:06amReport post


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He was at court this week for his trial . He got found guilty . Sorry my post is a bit rambly. My lad has mental problems and was abused and raped for three years and this has led to his charges . He thought he was a paedophille hunter but it didn't quite come out like that x

Posted Fri March 26, 2021 10:09amReport post


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January 2019

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Thanks for your reply . I could be physically sick tonight . I just can't cope with it all

Posted Fri March 26, 2021 8:11pmReport post


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November 2020

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Hi we had the knock 28th October for the charges of grooming then charges changed to independent messages,,, so then went to a prehearing sentence a couple of weeks later. Then was told the charge he was facing was publication of a obsense article and plend guilty and said he needed to be punished for his crime and got 15 months 12 probation mental health course and well-being course. Even knowing the messages they say where about sexual abuse it didnt meet the threshold for sexual crimal act that's why he did not get the SHPO or SOR. It is down to the judge on the day but ss and all muilt agnices keep saying its a over sigth and he plend guilty to a less charge but I don't see how u have all the messages in black and white so if u believed what they had in front of them why not just say we got need u to enter a plenty we take it to trial. I don't condone his behaviour in any way I know he was not taking his meds and heavy drinking but if the judge did not believe these facts then surely he/she would of thrown the book at him as we have seen all outcomes are so far and different. He has also admitted to going on the site and talking before but he said he told the police this so what I am trying to say is like everyone else has said its down to the judge on the day but I do wish for change and they would see support is better than throwing them in prison it could be wake up call they need but also it might not be. Then forgotten about and what happens to the family's so I am ranting now but I just come back to the fact that if the judge thro it was so bad then why did he/she not throw the book at him xx sorry

Posted Sat April 3, 2021 3:58pm
Edited Sat April 3, 2021 4:00pmReport post


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January 2019

66 posts

It's sentencing for my son tomorrow. I've held up well until today and we had to have our dog out to sleep and the flood gates opened . He's got his bag packed and we're prepared for the worst . He was found guilty and we've accepted that it jsit seems so unfair with the trauma he's suffered from being raped . X

Posted Mon May 17, 2021 4:20pmReport post


Member since
May 2021

203 posts

Hi all

just wondering if anyone has experience with sentences for talking online sexually to underage girls? Husband has been arrested on 2 cases of this and 2 cases of sending images.

he never had images back in response to these and he said he has no images on computers ect. (Devices with police so we will see).

both the detective and solicitor have said he is unlikely to get prison time but could be suspended sentence. I don't want to get my hopes up for this as I know it's not a guarantee. But has anyone get experience with something similar and can share the outcome?

if it helps we are already getting help from Lucy Faithfull which they said could help and also I have been told I can also write a letter to the judge regards the impact it will have if he gets custodial (I'm 5 months pregnant so likely to have a little one at time of sentencing). Any experience of that helping?

I truly believe hubby fell down a rabbit hole and needs some mental support and help and maybe I'm a fool but I'm standing by him even though what he did is disgusting and wrong

Posted Wed May 19, 2021 10:51pmReport post


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Hey everyone,

Bumping this up again.

I come here once every few months otherwise I'd lose my own sanity thinking about it and googling it nonstop. For those of you that are new, 9 months ago my husband was released UI for IIOC, just over a hundred in cat B,C. Admitted guilt in the police station straight away. Showed remorse. Had a small spell of councelling froma StopSo therapist.

I have a question about others outcomes. Anyone else received a caution for a similar offence, numbers wise ? Like you all I'm petrified about court, papers, shame, stigma and everything.

Posted Fri July 16, 2021 12:41pmReport post


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June 2021

32 posts

Hello black hound

Sorry I can't help you but wanted to reply I Google the life out of my father's case but never see what is going to happen, has the police got back in touch with you since arrest, xx

Posted Fri July 16, 2021 3:15pmReport post


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May 2019

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Post deleted by user

Posted Tue July 20, 2021 10:50am
Edited Tue July 20, 2021 10:52amReport post


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May 2019

56 posts

Hi blackhound. I'm really sorry but I'm not going to give you any false hope, unfortunately he won't just get a caution. Usually a caution is usually for a couple of cat C images. My partner got 5 years on the SOR plus a £200 fine for 13 cat c pseudo images, so the images weren't even of real people. We were lucky enough to have everything done at magistrates because the number of images were so low and they were all cat C. You need to brace yourself for the probability that your OH may end up in crown court and may get 5 or 7 or 10 years on the SOR, a SHPO and community service or suspended sentence. Fingers crossed it'll be on the lower end of everything. Sending hugs.

Posted Tue July 20, 2021 10:53am
Edited Tue July 20, 2021 10:54amReport post


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Post deleted by user

Posted Tue July 20, 2021 10:53am
Edited Tue July 20, 2021 10:54amReport post


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April 2020

149 posts

In terms of outcomes, my husband viewed less than 10 images (1 cat A, 1 cat b and 7 cat c which were manga images) He got a 2 yr suspended sentence and 10 yrs on the SOR and a SHPO. He had to go to crown court too. There was also evidence that he didn't go looking for the images either and it was a one off.

Posted Tue July 20, 2021 2:19pm
Edited Tue July 20, 2021 2:21pmReport post


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Heya everyone,

No the police haven't been in touch and we're approaching 10months at the end of August...

I fully expecting the wait to be around 18 months tbh...

We've been told by the police and his therapist that they've seen loads of cases similar to his and he's most likely looking at a caution but Ive come to realise that this isn't always the case... I've read on the GOV.UK website that if the CPS think they can convict, they will... If they have the evidence, they will take every Tom, dick and Harry to court to keep the numbers up...

He did admit immediately he was guilty and showed remorse... But I know this won't be considered other than 33% of any original conviction...

With now 850 men every month being convicted of this crime, one questions where they find the time to take everyone to court...

From what everyone has said then it's clear he's more than likely going to court... It's just a case of how severe his punishment will be...

Posted Thu August 12, 2021 11:32pmReport post


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October 2020

479 posts

Bellebee and Whyus, it seems both of your cases got very high sentences...Whyus I read a little into your story... Did you husband also get charged with Cat A and B (could have sworn I read this but wanted to clarify)? If so what happened to that charge in the end ? If I'm not mistaken these were images he drew himself? Might be the reason for the higher charge ?

Bellebee Psuedoimages seem to becoming up more and more often these days... It's kinda of worrying that someone can be arrested for manga but as a reader myself I know how didn't the images out there can be... The inclusion of catagory A might be why the sentence was so high in your case too? We'll never officially know the reason why is annoying...

Posted Fri August 13, 2021 12:08pmReport post


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May 2019

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He got charged with possession of 13 Cat C pseudo images (woman's body and teenagers head) , they didn't find any cat B or A. The minimum they can give is two years on the SoR but that's only for cases where there are only literally a couple of cat C images, a caution and it doesn't go to court.

He got charged in magistrates court and he got five years on the SoR, no SHPO and a £200 fine which was a good outcome. The minimum was always going to be 5 years on the SoR if it went to court.

Posted Tue August 17, 2021 5:08pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

85 posts

Yes my son was charged with pseudo images also, where the hell do they get them from, ive never understood this,

Posted Tue August 17, 2021 10:24pmReport post


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August 2021

1 post

My husband got 3 years 4 months for a communication offense. 11 months from start to finish so have to be grateful for that I guess. All charges from 1 paragraph from 1 conversation, no pics, other conversations, did not arrange or suggest a meeting. Still find it very harsh as get less planning meetings and having other things but we were told it wouldn't be worth appealing. Seems like forever to go

Posted Sat August 21, 2021 6:25pmReport post

Chelsea 1

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June 2021

902 posts


It's seems like cases up and down the country vary.

Seen some people have over 1000 pictures all categories and chats and get suspended sentences , when others have a very small amount getting prison time.

My hubby has been waiting nearly 3 months now and nothing but been told south coast is very slow.

He had vidoes all categories, veiwed bestiality but didn't share , no chatting. All in total around 50 vids but our sticking point could be he distributed around 10.

He's started he couselling and online modules.

Fingers crossed. Hopefully he will get a long suspended sentence with SOR and SHOP.

Hugs to one and all xx

Posted Mon August 23, 2021 4:51pmReport post

Chelsea 1

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June 2021

902 posts

Hiya Lee.

That's very true indeed.


Posted Mon August 23, 2021 5:50pmReport post

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

902 posts

I read somewhere where somebody was caught with over 5000 pictures in all categories, viewed bestiality and one chat.

The chap got then normal 2 years suspended sentence and 10 years SOR and other things attached.

I didn't read it on here by the way.


Posted Fri September 10, 2021 7:14amReport post


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June 2021

4 posts

My ex was found chatting to a fake girl 13 (police sting) and got 6 months suspended , plus shpo & sOr for 7 years. We thought he'd be able to see his son unsupervised after some rehab and risk assessment but the shpo prevents this seemingly , it all happened (the knock) 3 years ago I thought we had been moving on but it's all come back to us since he moved close by again , I'm so done with it all.

Posted Sat November 12, 2022 3:45amReport post

Quick exit